Scientific Data Management System (SDMS)

샘플 준비부터 샘플 분석, 데이터 해석 및 저장을 통해 연구 또는 산업 환경의 요구에 맞는 광범위한 솔루션을 제공합니다. 단일화된 통합 정보 플랫폼을 추구하는 전 세계의 연구소들은 LIMS, CDS, LES 및 SDMS 기능을 포괄하는 실험실 정보 관리 시스템을 표준화하여 사용 할 수 있습니다. 생명 공학 연구원들은 프로세스를 개선하거나 효율성을 높이기 위해 로봇공학, 자동화 된 인큐베이터, 마이크로 플레이트 측정, 액체 처리 및 워크플로우 소프트웨어로 정확하고 신뢰할 수 있는 결과를 제공할 수 있습니다. 단일 단계 자동화나 전체 워크 플로우의 자동화, 어떤 것이던 실험실 자동화 솔루션은 소유 비용을 줄이고 투자 수익을 빠르게 제공합니다.

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Clinical Lab Information Management Systems (Clinical LIMS)Clinical LIMS Software
Document Management System (DMS)NextDocs Document Management System (DMS)
Lab Information Management Systems (LIMS)Integration Manager
Nautilus LIMS™ for Dynamic Discovery and R&D Environments
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SampleManager LIMS™
Watson LIMS™ for Bioanalytical Laboratories
Scientific Data Management System (SDMS)Data Manager™ Software
Spectroscopy SoftwareBlaise Inform Report Designer
GRAMS Envision™ Spectroscopy Software for Complex Data Visualization
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GRAMS IQ™ Spectroscopy Software
GRAMS IQ™ Spectroscopy Software
GRAMS/3D Spectroscopy Software
GRAMS/AI™ Spectroscopy Software
MyInstrument Software and Components
Peax™ for GRAMS™
QuickQuant ActiveApp™ Spectroscopy Software
Remspec ReactionSleuth™ ActiveApp™
Spectral DB Library for Spectral Data Management
Spectral ID
Spectral ID Server for Enterprise Library Sharing
Mass Spectrometry SoftwareCompound Discoverer Software
Dionex™ DCMSLink™ Software Plug-In
High-Resolution Accurate-Mass MS/MS Spectral Libraries
ImageQuest Software
iRC PRO Software
LipidSearch™ Software
Mass Frontier Spectral Interpretation Software
MSQ™ Xcalibur™ Software Additional-License Upgrade
PEAKS Studio Software
PepFinder™ Software
Pinpoint™ Software
ProMass Deconvolution™ Software
ProSightPC Software
Protein Deconvolution Software
ProteinCenter Software
Proteome Discoverer™ Software
Qtegra™ Intelligent Scientific Data Solution™ Software
QuickCalc™ Software
QuickQuan™ Software
SIEVE™ Software for Differential Analysis
SimGlycan™ Software
TargetQuan 3 Software
ToxFinder™ Software
ToxID™ Automated Screening Software
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic SoftwareKinetica Software for PK/PD Data Analysis, Simulation and Reporting
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Spectral LibrariesAldrich Collection of FT-IR Spectra Edition IICatalog #: 834-016201
Aldrich™ Alcohols and Phenols FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-019600
Aldrich™ Aldehydes and Ketones FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-019700
Aldrich™ Dyes, Alkynes, Nitro and Azo Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-019900
Aldrich™ Esters, Lactone, Anhydrides Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-019800
Aldrich™ FT-IR Spectra Edition I SupplementCatalog #: 834-018801
Aldrich™ FT-IR Vapor Phase Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-006300
Aldrich™ Hydrocarbons FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834019500
Aldrich™ Organometallic, Inorganic Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834020100
Aldrich™ Phosphorus and Sulphur FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-020000
Aldrich™ Polymers FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-020200
Aldrich™ Raman Condensed Phase Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-004001
Aldrich™ Solvents FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-008900
Coatings Technology FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: Multiple
Commercial Materials FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-010101
Common Materials and White Powders Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-042200
EPA Vapor Phase FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-006900
Flavors and Fragrances FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-009400
Food Additives FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-010300
Georgia State Crime Lab Drug FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-007501
Hazardous Chemicals Condensed Phase Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-011401
Hazardous Chemicals Vapor Phase FTIR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-011700
Hummel Polymer and Additives FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-008601
Industrial Coatings FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-010600
Inorganics FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-025800
Lubricants and Oils FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-016000
Minerals FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-025700
Near IR Pharma Reference Database Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-024301
Nicolet™ Collection of FT-IR and Raman Matched SpectraCatalog #: 833-009601
Nicolet™ Condensed Phase Academic Sampler LibraryCatalog #: 834-009800
Nicolet™ Condensed Phase Sampler FTIR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-018300
Nicolet™ FT-IR Vapor Phase Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-006600
Paper Materials FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-013900
Pharmaceutical Excipients FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-019201
Pharmaceutical Excipients Matched IR/Raman LibraryCatalog #: 833-023400
Polymer Additives and Plasticizers Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-008300
Raman Organic Chemical Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-004401
Raman Pharmaceutical Excipients Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-019301
Raman Polymer Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-014101
Rubber Compounding Materials FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-012000
Sigma Dyes, Stains and Pigments FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-006001
Sigma Enzymes, Coenzymes FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-005801
Sigma Fatty Acids, Glycerides FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-006101
Sigma Proteins and Peptides FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-005701
Sigma Steroids FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-008101
Sigma Sugars and Carbohydrates FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-005901
Sigma™ Biochem Condensed Phase FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-005501
Surfactants FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-009100
Synthetic Fibers by Microscope FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-011100
TGA Vapor Phase FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-007200
Toronto Forensic FT-IR Spectral LibraryCatalog #: 834-007800
Chromatography Data System (CDS)Atlas Chromatography Data System (CDS)Catalog #: INF-14001
Chrom-Card Data SystemCatalog #: 43233010
ChromQuest™ Software PlatformCatalog #: INQSOF012
Dionex™ Chromeleon™ 6.8 Chromatography Data SystemCatalog #: CHROMELEON6
Dionex™ Chromeleon™ 7.2 Chromatography Data SystemCatalog #: CHROMELEON7